Welcome to PurlDB documentation!

PurlDB aka. Package URL Database is a database of software package metadata keyed by Package-URL or purl that offers information and indentication services about software packages.

A PURL or Package-URL is an attempt to standardize existing approaches to reliably identify and locate software packages in general and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) packages in particular.

A PURL is a URL string used to identify and locate a software package in a mostly universal and uniform way across programming languages, package managers, packaging conventions, tools, APIs and databases.

Why PurlDB?

Modern software is assembled from 1000’s of FOSS packages: being able to catalog these, normalize their metadata, track their versions, licenses and dependencies and being able to discover, locate and identify them as used in a codebase is essential to healthy, sustainable and secure modern software development.

This what PurlDB is all about and it offers:

  • An active, continuously updated reference for FOSS packages origin, information and licensing, aka. open code knowledge base.

  • A code matching capability to identify and find similar code to existing indexed FOSS code using this knowledge base.

  • Additional utilities to help asses the quality and integrity of software packages as used in the software supply chain.

What can you do PurlDB?

  • Build a comprehensive open source software packages knowledge base. This includes the extensive scan of package code for origin, dependencies, embedded packages and licenses.

  • Create advanced analysis for open source packages by collecting Collect symbols and strings from a PURL aka. purl2sym.

  • Detect software supply chain issues by mapping package binaries to their corresponding source code and determining if there are possible discrepancies between sources and sources (such as with the XZ utils attack, or sources and binaries, where package may not report the exact source code used to build binaries with the Map deployed code back to source code aka. back2source mapping analysis.

  • Access multiple services keyed by PURL, such as metadata, package versions, packages URLs, or dependencies.

What’s in PurlDB?

The PurlDB project consists of these main tools:

  • PackageDB that is the database and reference model (based on ScanCode toolkit) that contains package data with PURL (Package URLs) being a first class citizen and the primaty key to access information.

  • MineCode that contains utilities to mine package repositories and populate the PackageDB

  • MatchCode that contains utilities to index package metadata and resources for matching

  • MatchCode.io that provides code package and files matching functionalities for codebases

  • purldb-toolkit with its “purlcli” command line (CLI) utility and library to use the PurlDB, its API and various related libraries.

  • ClearCode that contains utilities to mine Clearlydefined for package data.

These are designed to be used first for reference such that one can query for packages by purl and validate purl existence.

Collected packages can be used as reference for dependency resolution, as a reference knowledge base for all package data, as a reference for vulnerable range resolution and more use cases. All of these are important to support modern software development open source assembly.

Getting Started


PurlDB is a database of packages, with package metadata and indexes for package files and archives, and various API endpoints to get data about these packages and match to other codebases.

PurlDB toolkit

purldb-toolkit is command line utility and library to use the PurlDB, its API and various related libraries.


Matchcode has the functionalities to index archives, files and directories for purldb packages and API endpoints to make matching available. A ScanCode.io pipeline for matching is also present to match scanned codebases.

How-To Documents

How-To documents explain how to accomplish specific tasks.

See also

Indices and tables