Symbol and String Collection

The package indexing endpoint now also supports the symbol and string collection pipeline and stores them in the extra_data field of the resource.

How it works

When PurlDB receives an index request for a PURL via the /api/collect endpoint along with the symbol/string addon_pipeline, it fetches the archive download_url and creates a package for the PURL with relevant metadata. Thereafter, a scan job is scheduled which downloads the archive of the PURL and runs the scan_single_package package pipeline. Scan job also runs the requested addon_pipelines. Upon completion of the scan job, the package is updated with resource data along with the source_symbols and source_strings in the extra_data field of resources.

Currently PurlDB supports these addon_pipeline for symbol/string collection.

  • collect_symbols_ctags

  • collect_strings_gettext

  • collect_symbols_tree_sitter

  • collect_symbols_pygments

See the detailed tutorial on How To get symbols and strings from a PURL/package in PurlDB.

To use these pipeline on refer to Symbol and String Collection.
For more details on these plugins refer to source-inspector.