--version Show the version and exit. -h, --help Show this message and exit.
attrib Generate an attribution document from JSON/CSV/XLSX/.ABOUT files. check Validate that the format of .ABOUT files is correct and report errors and warnings. collect-redist-src Collect redistributable sources. gen Generate .ABOUT files from an inventory as CSV/JSON/XLSX. gen-license Fetch and save all the licenses in the license_expression field to a directory. inventory Collect the inventory of .ABOUT files to a CSV/JSON/XLSX file. transform Transform a CSV/JSON/XLSX by applying renamings, filters and checks.
about attrib [OPTIONS] LOCATION OUTPUT INPUT: Path to a file (.ABOUT/.csv/.json/.xlsx), directory or .zip archive containing .ABOUT files. OUTPUT: Path where to write the attribution document.
--api_url URL URL to DejaCode License Library. --api_key KEY API Key for the DejaCode License Library --min-license-score INTEGER Attribute components that have license score higher than or equal to the defined --min- license-score. --scancode Indicate the input JSON file is from scancode_toolkit. --reference DIR Path to a directory with reference files where "license_file" and/or "notice_file" located. --template FILE Path to an optional custom attribution template to generate the attribution document. If not provided the default built-in template is used. --vartext <key>=<value> Add variable text as key=value for use in a custom attribution template. --worksheet name The worksheet name from the INPUT. (Default: the "active" worksheet) -q, --quiet Do not print error or warning messages. --verbose Show all error and warning messages. -h, --help Show this message and exit.
Generate an attribution file which contains license information from the INPUT along with the license text.
Assume the following:
'/home/about_files/' contains all the ABOUT files [INPUT] '/home/project/inventory.csv' is a BOM inventory [INPUT] '/home/project/scancode-detection.json' is a detection output from scancode-toolkit[INPUT] '/home/project/licenses/' contains all the license/notice file references '/home/attribution/attribution.html' is the user's output path [OUTPUT]$ about attrib /home/about_files/ /home/attribution/attribution.html or $ about attrib /home/project/inventory.csv /home/attribution/attribution.html --reference /home/project/licenses/ or $ about attrib --scancode /home/project/scancode-detection.json /home/attribution/attribution.html
--api_url URL --api_key This option let user to define where to get the license information such as from DJE. If these options are not set, the tool will get the license information from ScanCode LicenseDB by default $ about attrib --api_url <URL> --api_key <KEY> INPUT OUTPUT --min-license-score This option is a filter to collect license information where the license score in the scancode toolkit detection is greater than or equal to the defined --min-license-score. This option is specifically design for scancode's input and therefore --scancode is required $ about attrib --scancode --min-license-score 85 /home/project/scancode-detection.json OUTPUT --reference This option is to define the reference directory where the 'license_file' or 'notice_file' are stored $ about attrib --reference /home/project/licenses/ /home/project/inventory.csv OUTPUT --template This option allows you to use your own template for attribution generation. For instance, if you have a custom template located at: /home/custom_template/template.html $ about attrib --template /home/custom_template/template.html INPUT OUTPUT --vartext This option allow you to pass variable texts to the attribution template $ about attrib --vartext "title=Attribution Notice" --vartext "header=Product 101" LOCATION OUTPUT Users can use the following in the template to get the vartext: {{ vartext['title'] }} {{ vartext['header'] }} --worksheet This option identify the worksheet name from the XLSX input to work with. If no worksheet is defined, the "active" worksheet will be used $ about attrib --worksheet BOM /home/project/audit.xlsx OUTPUT --verbose This option tells the tool to show all errors found. The default behavior will only show 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', and 'WARNING'
- The following data are passed to jinja2 and, therefore, can be used for a custom template:
about object: the about objects
common_licenses: a common license keys list in
licenses_list: a license object list contains all the licenses found in about objects. It contains the following attribute: key, name, filename, url, text
about check [OPTIONS] LOCATION LOCATION: Path to an ABOUT file or a directory with ABOUT files.
--license Validate the license_expression value in the input. --djc api_url api_key Validate license_expression from a DejaCode License Library API URL using the API KEY. --log FILE Path to a file to save the error messages if any. --verbose Show all error and warning messages. -h, --help Show this message and exit.
Validating ABOUT files at LOCATION.
--license Validate the license_expression value in the input. If this option is not flagged, only the basic syntax is checked. No validation of the license_expression value. $ about check --license /home/project/about_files/ ---djc Validate license_expression from a DejaCode License. This option requires 2 parameters: api_url - URL to the DJE License Library. api_key - Hash key to authenticate yourself in the API. In addition, the input needs to have the 'license_expression' field. (Please contact nexB to get the api_* value for this feature) $ about check --license --djc 'api_url' 'api_key' /home/project/about_files/ --log This option save the error log to the defined location $ about check --log /home/project/error.log /home/project/about_files/ --verbose This option tells the tool to show all errors found. The default behavior will only show 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', and 'WARNING' $ about check --verbose /home/project/about_files/
Special Notes
If no --djc option is set, the tool will default to check license_expression from ScanCode LicenseDB.
about collect_redist_src [OPTIONS] LOCATION OUTPUT LOCATION: Path to a directory containing sources that need to be copied (and containing ABOUT files if `inventory` is not provided) OUTPUT: Path to a directory or a zip file where sources will be copied to.
--from-inventory FILE Path to an inventory CSV/JSON/XLSX file as the base list for files/directories that need to be copied which have the 'redistribute' flagged. --with-structures Copy sources with directory structure. --zip Zip the copied sources to the output location. -q, --quiet Do not print error or warning messages. --verbose Show all error and warning messages. -h, --help Show this message and exit.
Collect sources that have 'redistribute' flagged as 'True' in .ABOUT files or inventory to the output location.
--from-inventory Provide an inventory CSV/JSON file with the 'redistribute' field filled as the indication of which files/sources need to be copied. $ about collect_redist_src --from-inventory 'path to the inventory' LOCATION OUTPUT --with-structures Copy the file(s) along with its parent directories For instance, assuming we want to copy the following file: /project/work/hello/foo.c OUTPUT: /output/ $ about collect_redist_src --with-structure /project/ /output/ OUTPUT: /output/work/hello/foo.c $ about collect_redist_src /project/ /output/ OUTPUT: /output/foo.c --zip Zip the copied sources to the output location $ about collect_redist_src --zip /project/ /output/ --verbose This option tells the tool to show all errors found. The default behavior will only show 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', and 'WARNING'
about gen [OPTIONS] LOCATION OUTPUT LOCATION: Path to a JSON/CSV/XLSX inventory file. OUTPUT: Path to a directory where ABOUT files are generated.
--android Generate MODULE_LICENSE_XXX (XXX will be replaced by license key) and NOTICE as the same design as from Android. --fetch-license Fetch license data and text files from the ScanCode LicenseDB. --fetch-license-djc api_url api_key Fetch license data and text files from a DejaCode License Library API URL using the API KEY. --reference DIR Path to a directory with reference license data and text files. --worksheet name The worksheet name from the INPUT. (Default: the "active" worksheet) -q, --quiet Do not print error or warning messages. --verbose Show all error and warning messages. -h, --help Show this message and exit.
Given a CSV/JSON/XLSX inventory, generate ABOUT files in the output location.
--android Create an empty file named `MODULE_LICENSE_XXX` where `XXX` is the license key and create a NOTICE file which these two files follow the design from Android Open Source Project. The input **must** have the license key information as this is needed to create the empty MODULE_LICENSE_XXX $ about gen --android LOCATION OUTPUT --fetch-license Fetch licenses text and create <license>.LICENSE side-by-side with the generated .ABOUT file using the data fetched from the the ScanCode LicenseDB. The input needs to have the 'license_expression' field. $ about gen --fetch-license LOCATION OUTPUT --fetch-license-djc Fetch licenses text from a DejaCode API, and create <license>.LICENSE side-by-side with the generated .ABOUT file using the data fetched from the DejaCode License Library. This option requires 2 parameters: api_url - URL to the DJE License Library. api_key - Hash key to authenticate yourself in the API. In addition, the input needs to have the 'license_expression' field. (Please contact nexB to get the api_* value for this feature) $ about gen --fetch-license-djc 'api_url' 'api_key' LOCATION OUTPUT --reference Copy the reference files such as 'license_files' and 'notice_files' to the generated location from the specified directory. For instance, the specified directory, /home/licenses_notices/, contains all the licenses and notices: /home/licenses_notices/apache2.LICENSE /home/licenses_notices/jquery.js.NOTICE $ about gen --reference /home/licenses_notices/ LOCATION OUTPUT --worksheet This option identify the worksheet name from the XLSX input to work with. If no worksheet is defined, the "active" worksheet will be used $ about gen --worksheet BOM LOCATION OUTPUT --verbose This option tells the tool to show all errors found. The default behavior will only show 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', and 'WARNING'
Special Notes
If the input contains values for license_file, the tool will attempt to associate the license_file with the corresponding license_key.
about_resource |
name |
license_expression |
license_file |
/project/test.c |
test.c | mit AND custom |
custom.txt |
If the user does not utilize the --fetch-license option, the input will contain two license keys and one license file. In this scenario, the tool cannot determine which license key the license file is referencing. As a result, the license_file will be saved separately.
about_resource: test.c name: test.c license_expression: mit AND custom licenses: - key: mit name: mit - key: custom name: custom - file: custom.txt
On the other hand, if the user generates ABOUT files using the --fetch-license option, the MIT license will be retrieved. This will result in having one license key and one license file. In such cases, the tool will consider it a successful match.
about_resource: test.c name: test.c license_expression: mit AND custom licenses: - key: mit name: MIT License file: mit.LICENSE url: spdx_license_key: MIT - key: custom name: custom file: custom.txt
about gen_license [OPTIONS] LOCATION OUTPUT LOCATION: Path to a JSON/CSV/XLSX/.ABOUT file(s) OUTPUT: Path to a directory where license files are saved.
--djc api_url api_key Fetch licenses from a DejaCode License Library. --scancode Indicate the input JSON file is from scancode_toolkit. --worksheet name The worksheet name from the INPUT. (Default: the "active" worksheet) --verbose Show all error and warning messages. -h, --help Show this message and exit.
Fetch licenses (Default: ScanCode LicenseDB) in the license_expression field and save to the output location.
--djc Fetch licenses text from a DejaCode API, and create <license>.LICENSE to the OUTPUT Location using the data fetched from the DejaCode License Library. This option requires 2 parameters: api_url - URL to the DJE License Library. api_key - Hash key to authenticate yourself in the API. In addition, the input needs to have the 'license_expression' field. (Please contact nexB to get the api_* value for this feature) $ about gen_license --djc 'api_url' 'api_key' LOCATION OUTPUT --scancode Indicates the JSON input is from scancode toolkit license detection $ about gen_license --scancode /home/project/scancode-license-detection.json OUTPUT --worksheet This option identify the worksheet name from the XLSX input to work with. If no worksheet is defined, the "active" worksheet will be used $ about gen_license --worksheet BOM /home/project/bom-v0.10.xlsx OUTPUT --verbose This option tells the tool to show all errors found. The default behavior will only show 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', and 'WARNING'
Special Notes
If no --djc option is set, the tool will default to fetch licenses from ScanCode LicenseDB.
about inventory [OPTIONS] LOCATION OUTPUT LOCATION: Path to an ABOUT file or a directory with ABOUT files. OUTPUT: Path to the CSV/JSON/XLSX inventory file to create.
-f, --format [json|csv|excel] Set OUTPUT file format. [default: csv] -q, --quiet Do not print any error/warning. --verbose Show all the errors and warning. -h, --help Show this message and exit.
Create a JSON/CSV/XLSX inventory of components from ABOUT files.
-f, --format [json|csv|excel] Set OUTPUT file format. [default: csv] $ about inventory -f json LOCATION OUTPUT --verbose This option tells the tool to show all errors found. The default behavior will only show 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', and 'WARNING'
Special Notes
Multiple licenses support format
The multiple licenses support format for CSV files are separated by line break
about_resource |
name |
license_key |
license_name |
license_file |
test.tar.xz |
test |
Apache 2.0
MIT License
The multiple licenses support format for ABOUT files are by "grouping" with the keyword "licenses"
about_resource: test.tar.xz name: test licenses: - key: apache 2.0 name: Apache 2.0 file: apache-2.0.LICENSE - key: mit name: MIT License file: mit.LICENSE
Multiple license_file support
To support multiple license file for a license, the correct format is to separate by comma
about_resource |
name |
license_key |
license_name |
license_file |
test.tar.xz |
test |
GPL 2.0
MIT License
about_resource: test.tar.xz name: test licenses: - key: gpl-2.0 name: gpl-2.0 file: COPYING, COPYING.v2 - key: mit name: mit file: mit.LICENSE
Note that if license_name is not provided, the license key will be used as the license name.
about transform [OPTIONS] LOCATION OUTPUT LOCATION: Path to a CSV/JSON/XLSX file. OUTPUT: Path to CSV/JSON/XLSX inventory file to create.
-c, --configuration FILE Path to an optional YAML configuration file. See --help-format for format help. --worksheet name The worksheet name from the INPUT. (Default: the "active" worksheet) --help-format Show configuration file format help and exit. -q, --quiet Do not print error or warning messages. --verbose Show all error and warning messages. -h, --help Show this message and exit.
Transform the CSV/JSON/XLSX file at LOCATION by applying renamings, filters and checks and then write a new CSV/JSON/Excel to OUTPUT.
-c, --configuration Path to an optional YAML configuration file. See--help-format for format help. $ about transform -c 'path to the YAML configuration file' LOCATION OUTPUT --worksheet This option identify the worksheet name from the XLSX input to work with. If no worksheet is defined, the "active" worksheet will be used $ about transform -c 'path to the YAML configuration file' --worksheet BOM /project/bom-v.20.xlsx OUTPUT --help-format Show configuration file format help and exit. This option will print out examples of the the YAML configuration file. Keys configuration are: `field_renamings`, `required_fields` and `field_filters` $ about transform --help-format --verbose This option tells the tool to show all errors found. The default behavior will only show 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', and 'WARNING'
A transform configuration file is used to describe which transformations and validations to apply to a source CSV file. This is a simple text file using YAML format, using the same format as an .ABOUT file. The attributes that can be set in a configuration file are: * field_renamings: An optional map of source CSV or JSON field name to target CSV/JSON new field name that is used to rename CSV fields. For instance with this configuration the fields "Directory/Location" will be renamed to "about_resource" and "foo" to "bar": field_renamings: about_resource : 'Directory/Location' bar : foo The renaming is always applied first before other transforms and checks. All other field names referenced below are these that exist AFTER the renamings have been applied to the existing field names. * required_fields: An optional list of required field names that must have a value, beyond the standard fields names. If a source CSV/JSON does not have such a field or a row is missing a value for a required field, an error is reported. For instance with this configuration an error will be reported if the fields "name" and "version" are missing or if any row does not have a value set for these fields: required_fields: - name - version * field_filters: An optional list of field names that should be kept in the transformed CSV/JSON. If this list is provided, all the fields from the source CSV/JSON that should be kept in the target CSV/JSON must be listed regardless of either standard or required fields. If this list is not provided, all source CSV/JSON fields are kept in the transformed target CSV/JSON. For instance with this configuration the target CSV/JSON will only contains the "name" and "version" fields and no other field: field_filters: - name - version * exclude_fields: An optional list of field names that should be excluded in the transformed CSV/JSON. If this list is provided, all the fields from the source CSV/JSON that should be excluded in the target CSV/JSON must be listed. Excluding standard or required fields will cause an error. If this list is not provided, all source CSV/JSON fields are kept in the transformed target CSV/JSON. For instance with this configuration the target CSV/JSON will not contain the "type" and "temp" fields: exclude_fields: - type - temp
fields renaming
field_renamings: about_resource : 'Directory / Filename' name : Component version: 'Confirmed Version' license_expression: 'Confirmed License Expression'
Directory / Filename |
Component |
Confirmed Version |
Confirmed License Expression |
/project/sample/ |
sample |
v 1.2.3 |
apache-2.0 |
about transform -c conf.txt input.csv output.csv
The result output will look like the following:
about_resource |
name |
version |
license_expression |
/project/sample/ |
sample |
v 1.2.3 |
apache-2.0 |
Special Notes
When using the field_filters configuration, all the standard required columns (name) and the user defined required_fields need to be included.
The AboutCode Toolkit version 10.0.0 will work with input from Scancode Toolkit version 32.0.0 or later. If you are using an earlier version of Scancode Toolkit, specifically version 31 or older, it will only be compatible with prior versions of AboutCode Toolkit.
Configure proxy
The requests library is used since AboutCode Toolkit version 10.1.0. To do the http request, users can set the standard environment variables http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy, all_proxy with the export statement
$ export HTTP_PROXY="" $ export HTTPS_PROXY="" $ export ALL_PROXY="socks5://"
See for references